Friday, January 11, 2008

Priceless Bad Ass

This one is dedicated to all of the Mark Gonzales fans out there. The date was April somethin' or other of 1988 and we had legally gained permission and access with the US Park Service to shoot a feature story on Alcatraz for Thrasher magazine. We brought along a rented prison suit and shot some images within the prison walls and in the exerise yard under the pretense that there would be no actual skateboarding. Well, long story short, our assigned ranger left us to our own accountability and we did what skaters do and got kicked off the rock by his not-so-impressed superiors.

On our way back to the ferry dock below, Gonz opted to hit up this banked wall just for the sake of being a bad ass. This image was never published and the rest is history. I wonder how many more gems I have floating around my photo archive.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Definitely being a bad-ass in this pic, glad you got it AND now we get to see it!!! Way to go homey.